On Sebastian Kawa's Project FB page you can find very nice post about our Society. We appreciate and thank you :)
" One team was staying out of the spotlight during the preparation activities - Karkonoskie Stowarzyszenie Szybowcowe. They were the first to support the project - the glider, it's high altitude modifications - are all owed to them. It is they who pushed the project from the dreams into the preparation frenzy. Perhaps not an isolated effort of that outfit. Just in the last month KSS had organized 2 training camps for an international group of over 90 people, resulting in about 1000 flying hours, multiple diamond badges and many new ratings for ridge and/or wave flights in pilot's logbooks. Just as one of the camps was in a full swing the news from Australia arrived - Matthew Scutter, one of Spring KSS camp participants, had won 15m Nationals and is coming next year to Poland for WGC representing his country. Again, Spring training with KSS is planned. Remarkably rich record of projects and achievements that the KSS had some share in, just in one year. And the year is not over yet. LBNL, many media interviews/programs concerning the project were recorded or organized with the KSS support. A whale of a gliding community supporter... (Turns out whales do fly)."
Source: Facebook - Himalaya Gliding Project
15 November 2013
25 März 2013

KSS ist Mitorganisator des I Frühlings Streckenfluglagers, das vom 6.-16.6. am Flugplat mitLubin stattfinden wird. Einzelheiten hierüber in der Spalte Wettbewerbe und Neuigkeiten.
23 Mai 2011

Vom 11.-18.3.2011 organisierte unser Mitglied Ryszard Bendkowski ein Gebirgsfluglager in Serres. Dieses Zentrum in den Alpen wird vom mehrfachen Weltrekordhalter Klaus Ohlmann geführt. Mit dem folgendem Link kann man sich darüber informieren.
Es folgt ein Bericht über dies Ereignis.
22 Mai 2011

Am 15.02.2011 begann offiziell die Vereinstätigkeit vom Karkonoskie Stowarzyszenie Szybowcowe.
Riesengbirgs – Segelflugverein. Wir sind schon im amtlichen Vereinsregister eingetragen. In naher Zukunft müssten wir die Sportklublizen mitvom Polnischen Aeroklub erhalten.
Wir laden ein sich über unsere Vereinstätigkeiten zu informieren.
10 Mai 2011