We are proud to announce, that having sold its vintage Ka-7, KSS has bought a laminate SZD-50 "Puchacz" two-seater. This acquisition will permit for more efficient training of pilots during Camps planned for year 2013.
27 December 2012
In October and November we have organized, together with the Mountain Gling School Żar, two Ridge and Wave Soaring Camps at Żar EPZR airfield, aimed at schooling and training of novice pilots. With over 50 attendees we flew 462 sorties, 566 hours, having up to 35 gliders in the air. Just 14 instructors and 11 lecturers devoted their time to teach other pilots how to cope with a very turbulent air in Beskidy Mountains. It was amazing, how many pilots from whole the Poland had arrived just to learn a very demanding mountain soaring in the Fall.
01 December 2012

The Karkonosze Gliding Association, cooperating with the 1st Cross Country Gliding Camp that will take place on June 06-16, 2011 at the Lubin (EPLU) airfield. Click on the event web page link see the News section
23 May 2011

Taking advantage of the Mistral that blows up gliders in Alps in March, our pilot Richard Bendkowski together with his gliding pal Jerry Mikolajczyk of Mazovian Aero Club have visited famous Quo Vadis airfield in Serres la Batie, France, to fly together with Klaus Ohlmann's guest-pilots in high mountainous region of Southern French Alps. This adventure is to repeated in August 2011. Alps are luring... once you have touched them. Quo Vadis, the home place of famous record-breaker Klaus Ohlmann is to be
22 May 2011

On Febr. 15Th, 2011 Karkonoskie Stowarzyszenie Szybowcowe (KSS) a.k.a. Karkonosze Gliding Association (KGA) has officially started its operations. We are already court-registered and expect to be licensed in short time, to carry qualified sporting activities.
10 May 2011
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